How To Make Viral Marketing Videos

Published: Dec. 29, 2021, midnight

b'Joseph Wilkins joins us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast today. He is the Founder of Funny Sales and Host of the podcast How to Make a Video Go Viral. Back in 2000,\\xa0 Joseph founded ProCreative Studios, an agency that produced infomercials, TV commercials and web sales videos. Joseph directed thousands of videos for clients including Google, Linkedin, McDonalds, Goldman Sachs, Chevrolet & Home Depot. As viewing habits shifted away from TV, Joseph launched where his team now creates attention-grabbing \\u201cviral style\\u201d sales videos that entertain viewers into action. With two decades experience, hundreds of millions of broadcast and online views and over $50 MILLION in tracked sales attributed to his content\\u2026 Joseph clearly knows the secret to Funny Sales Videos .'