How To Make Seven Figures On Amazon FBA

Published: Nov. 29, 2021, midnight

b'Matt Phipps is todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots business podcast. And this is one of those special shows for me and the show, as its a listener, who became an action taker and then got the dream. As he said when we invited him on the show " In 2018 I was in the RAF for 21 years and looking for my next move, as I was ready to change. I listened to the podcast on the way to work each day and so bumped into your travel website podcast where your Florida Keys adventures inspired me to set up something similar for Santiago, Chile, where my wife hails from. After about 6 months I realized that this wasn\\u2019t going to be more than a side hustle in terms of income and so I kept listening. That\\u2019s when I heard you interview Adam Hudson on the show, discovered the world of E-Commerce and Amazon. I pitched it to my wife and together we embarked on building a business around children\\u2019s gifts.'