How To Live A Stress Free Life (FITNESS)

Published: Feb. 13, 2019, midnight

b'Today\'s guest is one of those rare individuals who has now appeared on Join Up Dots twice. Firstly back on episode 459 when we spoke about\\xa0 how she developed her business to be an expert on dealing with the complexities of raising children, and the anxieties and behavioural problems that we as parents may encounter with our adorable offspring. She got to that point as for 20 years she worked in a range of settings with families with complex needs who have lived through a range of trauma and as a respite foster carer herself had direct experience of living with traumatised children. She has now been running her\\xa0own company training, speaking and writing about the impact of early years trauma children\\u2019s behaviour and development needs bringing much needed attention to these issues. But since then she seems to have pivoted and is now focusing more and more on helping people overcome the stresses of life. The anxieties that slowly creep us on us until it becomes a problem that can bring us to our knees Familiar limiting beliefs like...\\xa0I don\\u2019t have enough time or the money to\\u2026,\\xa0\\xa0I sometimes feel like a fraud,\\xa0The work could dry up at any moment,\\xa0I need to work 24/7 to keep my head above water,\\xa0The market just isn\\u2019t good at the moment,\\xa0People might not want my product or service,\\xa0Everyone else is doing better than me,\\xa0I need to be realistic and not aim too high,\\xa0 I can\\u2019t REALLY charge that, can I?,\\xa0I\\u2019m doing this for my family (the one I never see),\\xa0I\\u2019m always stressed out and tired,\\xa0People like me never\\u2026,\\xa0I never get enough sleep I\'m sure there isn\'t one of us who hasn\'t had a few of those every now and again in our lives. So what can we do about it? Are there quick fixes to get us mentally back on track? And now she is an expert, does she breeze through life like a twig on the mighty stream of life, stress free, and smiling all the way? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jane Evans. Show Highlights During the show we discuss such major topics with Jane such as: Jane shares how "her thing" came to her through in the most unexpected way, but now she is 100% embracing the authenticity of her professional life. We talk about the three types of stress in life, and the reasons that stress can sometimes be a good thing which we need to perform to a high level. Jane reveals the reasons why so many get stressed out at the moments of relaxation and holiday periods. And lastly...... The secret of change is to focus all your energies on not the past, but changing the new. If you do that you wont go far wrong.'