How To Have Fun In Corporate Life

Published: Dec. 10, 2021, midnight

b'Nancy Giere is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. As she says "After a lifetime in the corporate training world, custom training consultant, I know how businesses operate and I\'m not afraid to shake things up. My unique perspective combined with 25+ years of experience has empowered me with fresh insight and the industry\\u2019s best-kept secrets that I\'m ready to share with you. On a lifelong campaign against boring training, I use the power of storytelling and light-hearted humor to create an engaging, fun, and interactive environment. Masterfully intertwining comedic humor with life lessons, my stories make learning stick! I have worked with some of the biggest names in corporate America like Johnson Controls, Harley Davidson, and Northwestern Mutual. Well as an ex-corporate trainer who would do everything he could to bring excitement and humour and hell fun into a training session this mission speaks to me. So why do so many people hide behind seriousness and professionalism, when actually the world loves to feel playful and engaged when learning? And when did this concept first come into her mind, or was it something that simply came naturally to her? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Nancy Giere.'