How To Grow An Authority Business (BUSINESS)

Published: March 8, 2019, midnight

b"Todays guest joining us on the show, is not just a second repeater as he first appeared on the show back on episode 574 of the show.\\xa0But also I firmly class him as a friend, who has entered the inner circle of people that i trust, respect and consider to be doing things the right way.He is known as the Experts Strategist, the co-founder of GTeX, also he is a Forbes and Huffington Post contributor, TEDx speaker, host of the podcast Explode Your Expert Business, author of 3 life-changing books. He is passionate about turning experts into authorities using his signature EXPLODE YOUR EXPERT BIZ programs. Every year he speaks in front of more than 5,000 business leaders, which included sharing the stage with Les Brown, Dr John DeMartini, Trent Shelton and many more.He has also organized over 170 events, including Gary Vee speaking from York Hall boxing ring.\\xa0Following his passion for making an impact on the younger generation, he also partners with the largest youth organizations in the UK, helping them deliver more effective courses and training.He is a man who has a desire to see the world flourish, and help individuals across the globe to grow exponentially, becoming their greatest versions.But of course to get to that point, you truly have to go through a journey of discovery yourself, to find your inner skills that make you unique and valuable to everyone.And it would be fair to say that just a few years ago, our guest was many many steps away from discovering his purpose in life.He was working in a restaurant in Notting Hill as a waiter, as he had been doing since the age of 15, and had certain mental restrictions should we say, that were holding him back from creating his dream life.He didn\\u2019t have a degree and his level of English was not quite enough to understand the self development literature that he was starting to immerse himself in.As he says, \\u201cJust a few years ago I was facing a very difficult moment of my life. I knew I had to change but I didn\\u2019t know what to do. I felt lost, like wondering in a circle in a dark room with no exit sign and this wasn\\u2019t me!! I have always been the uber-positive-hyper-charged person that was able to lift up the energy of an entire room!! Where was that me? Where did it go? I wanted to find him and bring him back! And he most certainly has done that.So how has he created his amazing coaching business the way he has?And how has past those first year obstacles that make growing a business so difficult if you don't do things in the right order?Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up more dots, with the one and only Simone VicenziShow HighlightsDuring the show we talked about such weighty subjects as:How he grew his business and developed a team that has helped him get his life back, instead of ploughing through seventeen hour days.Simone reveals how he started his own business, by attending seminars which gave him an insiders view of what others were doing.Why it is so important to delegate the outcomes before you ever think about delegating the tasks to a VAand lastly...............Simone reveals the moment his wife wanted to go to New York without him, and how it changed the way he thought of business."