How To Get Free Online Degrees

Published: Dec. 19, 2018, midnight

b'In todays episode of Join Up Dots we are joined by the founder of\\, a for-profit company that allows people to take courses and earn degrees from hundreds of participating universities, all for free.\\xa0 After he\\xa0graduated from college with an overwhelming amount of debt, and after hearing his wife lament that there were very few resources for mothers that were trying to go back to school he had an idea. He\\xa0started in order to change the way that the world went to school. As you might expect, he\\xa0can now offer a deep look into the American student debt crisis and why it has become everybody\'s problem, as well as offer his perspective on running a business that keeps the lights on while adhering to his values. As he says "We\\u2019re Making Higher Education More Accessible & Affordable For Everyone. At, anyone can take online courses at their own pace and within the confines of their existing busy schedule...completely, free. After completing courses, students can then receive college credits at participating universities across the country, saving both time and money. We want to help the millions of people seeking a college education who\'ve been unable to take the first step. University and college education can still be too expensive and unapproachable for the majority of Americans. Normal distractions of work, bills, and home life, often prevent someone from getting started with education or being able to dedicate time and money to a traditional 4-year degree program. We\'re going to change that. By removing barriers and focusing on world-class education, we\\u2019re enabling everyone to take the first step with full-time education. So are there common issues that everyone stumbles into as the debt increases around them. And why with the ease of entry into online world, do so many people feel that they have no other option around Well lets find out as we start joining up dots with the one and only Mr.Grant Aldrich Show Highlights During the show we discussed such wide ranging subjects such as: Grant reveals why we should have the core of our inner morals and strategies in tact and remain so moving forward no matter what happens. We discuss the reasons why Grant\'s first steps into the entrepreneurial world were all about freedom, but actually he became a slave for the task. How Grant had the epiphany of finally doing something that he really loved everyday in his life, which was going to be bigger than himself. Why living a truly frugal lifestyle is often the fastest way to achieve the lifestyle you truly want. and Grant discusses the model that he has chosen to allow students from across the world to gain free education.'