How To Get An IT Qualification For Free

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, midnight

b'Joseph Fung is the CEO of Uvaro, a tech sales career accelerator, and of Kiite, a sales enablement platform purpose-built to provide sales teams with the information they need when they need it. As he says "We started Uvaro because the old approach to tech hiring is broken. The fastest-growing segment of our economy needs\\xa0250,000 new sales professionals. Our colleges and universities aren\\u2019t training them. Worse yet, when tech companies want to hire diverse talent, established interview practices and company cultures put up barriers. Marginalized people who do accept job offers are often left to flounder by businesses that don\\u2019t have effective sales training programs. At Uvaro, we\\u2019ve created a better way to grow careers. How The Dots Joined Up For Joseph Instead of preventing access to fulfilling work, we provide accessible training, on-demand support resources, and best-in-class tools that teach participants how to build on their successes.\\xa0Uvaro is not just a lecture: A graduate of the University of Waterloo\\u2019s Computer Engineering program, Joseph\\u2019s a repeat Founder & CEO, and with multiple successful exits, and speaks frequently on the topics of sales leadership, diversity, and corporate social responsibility. He is an active early-stage investor who ensures that the majority of his investments are into women-led companies. Joseph also sits on the boards of Communitech, the Golden Triangle Angel Network, and the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. So was this idea born out of a personal frustration with the tech industry or a clever insight to what was happening elsewhere? And and even better questions, why Uvaro? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Joseph Fung Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Joseph Fung such as: Joseph shares how they picked the name of his business and why they want away from basic domain picking rules. We discuss how feedback is a gift and the reasons why you should listen to everyone\'s opinion no matter what they say, or who is saying it. Why creating a job that you love is not always the case no matter how much you try. You have to accept that sometimes the love leaves you for awhile. And lastly\\u2026.. Joseph shares vocally the awe he feels every time that his students reveal to the world just how special his training centre is to them.'