How To Get A Ton Of Traffic To Your Brick And Mortar Business

Published: July 15, 2020, midnight

b"In today's show, we look at what has been going on behind the scenes in the world of Join Up Dots And you might be surprised to know that its not about what you think it might be. Yes, we know that we are a top podcast with thousands of listeners everyday, but also we have many strings to our bow. Not least we also have offline businesses scattered around the country that are flourishing due to what we go through in today's show. Yes, todays show is all about Getting A Ton Of Traffic To A Brick And Mortar Business the easy way, and believe me it really is easy. It all comes down to being extremely granular with the content that you are producing, and the focus you have on the laziness of customers. Once you understand this then you are ahead of the game and can really\\xa0 focus of bringing profits into your lives, Lets get on with the show as its a good one"