How To Get A Huge Payrise

Published: April 7, 2017, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a listeners question and answers session where your host discusses the quickest way to get a pay-rise in your life. So many people think that they have to work harder. They have to go cap in hand to your bosses begging for more money from the pots that they swear are holding nothing other than spiders and dust. But more often than not this is the last thing to do, as you aren\\u2019t in control of the results. But looking at what you are spending each day in your household your are one hundred percent in control off. So here is the question\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026.. Dear David, this question probably doesn\\u2019t fall into what you would normally answer, but here\\u2019s hoping for some great advice as I really don\\u2019t know what to do for the best. I am looking to start a new business (I haven\\u2019t got to the planning stage yet so have no idea what I would like to do) I just know that I can\\u2019t work for my company anymore as I dont get paid enough to live like I want. I do love my job but all pay increases have been stopped for the last five years, so I don\\u2019t imagine that I could just simply ask for more money as this will not be received well I\\u2019m sure. I am working as a hospital administrator dealing with appointments and cancellations in a hospital in North Dakota, and the team are great, the work although boring to do is what I want to do, as I leave everyday with an empty workload. Which is what I love more than anything, as my own personal time means everything to me. Sorry to ramble, but can you suggest anything as I know from listening to your show that you have been on both sides of the fence. Kind Regards Eileen Vocilla'