How To Get A Career In Music

Published: Aug. 1, 2018, midnight

b'What i love about being the host of Join Up Dots is the ability to share endeavour, hustle and commitment by people from all walks of life. Today\'s guest is just that, who connected with me as a listener of Join Up Dots and upon a back and forth on email i saw enough entrepreneurial spirit to think "Right he\'s coming on the show" So what can i tell you about him, well he was previously bassist / co-manager for a successful British heavy metal band Panic Cell, a period of time which saw him sharing stages worldwide with some of the biggest names in the business. He has worked behind the scenes in the music industry for over thirteen years. As he says "After leaving Panic Cell in 2011 I formed Stampede Press in July 2012. Notable clients to date include Terrorvision, Richie Ramone, Courtesans, BlackWolf, and more. I originally set it up to be a PR agency, my experience playing in bands (whilst co-managing music business matters) has led to me passing on crucial knowledge to Stampede\'s clients, whilst mentoring musicians with support, elements of artist management, and regular consultation. My goal is to help musicians avoid common pitfalls that bands can fall into in the music business, and maintain a grounded yet positive approach to their music career whilst having a happy mental health mindset and enjoy playing music as much as they can. So is this the kind of business that many people can start, or do you need to have been within the cogs of metallic industry to really make things work? And how does he find his clients, word of mouth, or knock, knock, knocking on artists doors? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Rob Town \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Rob Town such as: Why it is so important to find positive people to surround yourself throughout all stages of your career. Why in a band you have to be focused on writing killer songs...if you have the songs you have the career. Why it every member of your family should be your biggest critic and supporter to help you raise your game every time you start creating. and lastly\\u2026. You will learn the biggest mistake that musicians make today when starting their musical career, and its actually the easiest to solve.'