How To Gain Confidence On The Street

Published: May 1, 2019, 9:28 a.m.

b"Introducing Street Dating Expert Johnny Berba Street dating expert Johnny Berba is today's guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast interview. Johnny is an amazing guy who has already been on the and shared his journey from lost soul to street dating success. He is a street dating expert who does things in a very different way to how most men operate across the world. Instead of trying to pick ladies up in I suppose the expected places..nightclubs and pubs. Johnny Berba walks up to ladies bodily on the streets of the UK and confidently gets telephone numbers and addresses. \\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For Johnny Berba As he says \\u201cI decided that I would no longer hit the nightclubs and would drop all the pickup lines and routines. It was time to return to the streets to find a girlfriend. Just work on being myself and allow my conversations to freely flow in whatever direction they would naturally go.\\u201d Gaining confidence in his new found skills he started going out on the streets of London. He would film his interactions for fun and posting them on Youtube. Not just his successes, as he also added the process of filming, monitoring, and allowing all the mistakes he was making shown to the world. Slowly and steadily he fined tuned them for better results. His channel started growing slowly and caused stirrings within the London dating world as many believed that being \\u2018a natural\\u2019 was not the way to go. Ignoring this, he stayed strong and continued to push his beliefs which eventually led to inspiring a large platform of guys to take action. Now his business is going from strength to strength. And it seems to me he is enjoying it more than ever. So has he got to the point where the money making aspects of running a business are getting easier and easier? And are there things now that he realised he was never going to enjoy doing, although were a big part of his earlier business. Well let's start joining up dots with the one and only street dating expert Johnny Berba. \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we talked to Johnny Berba about such weighty subjects such as: How the street dating legend has grown from the geeky young man at school to a confident and successful businessman. Why by winning the inner game you will win the outer game not just in business but in life too. Johnny shares how his early stages of online life was based around comedic routines, more than a structured business plan. And lastly........... We talk about how Johnny has moved away from street dating and is expanding into new areas of income."