How To Find A Top Business Mentor For Free

Published: July 10, 2019, 9:59 a.m.

b"Welcome to the Join UP Dots podcast which today is question and answer time. But i wanted to start with an email that I received from a lovely lady in Texas America. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this (but hey, its too late now) but there was so much passion and enthusiasm to make her life what she dreams it could be (and will be) I particularly want to reference the desire to have time with her family as a leading driver to her workload. Hi David,\\xa0 Hi! I\\u2019ve been meaning to email you for the longest time, and finally. I came across your podcast about 2 to 3 years ago, I commute from my home to my business at the time in San Antonio, Texas, about an hour drive, so you would always be on. At first not going to lie...the accent annoyed me,-(kids love Peppa pig, so they love you too) \\xa0however after a few podcasts, I just couldn\\u2019t listen to anything else!) Even my now 11 and 5 year old would look forward to listening to your message, I\\u2019d glance at the rear view mirror and see my son laugh at one of your off jokes and my daughter singing the intro. \\xa0 By the way he now takes and promotes cold showers! Lol Point is, you changed my life. You made a difference in whatever I was going through at that time. \\xa0I\\u2019m from Hispanic descent, and our culture is very negative. Always second guessing myself and being the \\u201cyes\\u201d lady, that just couldn\\u2019t say \\u201cno\\u201d. I\\u2019ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit, I had my first store at 26, then a real estate agent, event hall, then art gallery and lastly a small art shop in the heart of downtown San Antonio/riverwalk. However, I\\u2019ve always struggled with them not being successful enough or me being there ALL the time and missing out on important events with my family. So on May 31st I closed my brick and mortar and started to push my online shop. I\\u2019d love to be a part of the movement (joinupdots) that changed, uplifted, and inspired me. I want to say that you are an inspiration and a blessing. Keep up the fire! Blessings and hugs. Now let's move onto the nuts and bolt of the episode with three quick questions posed by the listeners either through email or the Facebook page. Dear David and everyone who works at Join Up Dots, I am a recent convert to your show, and i'm ploughing through several episodes a day on my daily commute. One of the things that comes out of the show is you cant do this on your own. I would love to find a mentor that could help me but I dont have the money to spare. The truth is, i dont think i will ever have the money to attract the ones that could really make a difference.\\xa0 Any ideas?\\xa0 \\xa0Melanie Bristoe, Humberside, UK Of course you have to listen to the episode to get the answer for this question. Now for the second question from a listener who is struggling for steady clients coming into her business. David you are the sexiest man I have ever heard on the wireless. I started my new business a couple of years ago in the arena of sports therapy. I find that I am spending so much money on marketing, and find that the clients come to me in dribs and drabs. Any idea how I can get more consistent results? Really appreciate you and your passion for inspiring the world. Now for the last question........... David, there are so many different podcasts out there today, I am inspired to start my own. Do you have any tips on choosing a subject that will work? All the best Chris Martin Thank you for listening and for anyone who wants assitance to create their own business then simply drop us a line"