How To Feel Energised Every Day (FITNESS)

Published: Feb. 15, 2019, midnight

b'Energy Exchanges might not be something that you never really think about, however in today\'s world of business, busyness and non stop socialising more often than not the world is running on fumes. Tiredness isn\'t something that takes us over, like an unexpected foe, as it is with us all the time. We keep on going and going, until either something happens to our health which rocks us on our hills, or life forces us to slow down, by taking away those constant demands. I\'ll give you an example, how many of us work, work, work, until we get to the weekend, and then turn our attention to the chores that we need to do around the house? We dont ever say to ourselves, "This weekend, we will just 100% unplug, relax and get sun on our faces...ready for the coming week" Energy Exchanges work both ways people. You are giving it away so how about reclaiming some of it to work better? Or, we go to the expense to go on vacation with our family and the first five days we just can\'t switch off from life, until a few days off relaxation appears, before thinking about the world we are about to return to. This is all taking away the energy that we have and need to perform our best work. We cant just give, give, give and expect our lives to get better and better. It\'s time for some energy exchanges to appear everyday. So how about we turn our focus on ourselves, and simply think this one fact "How can i put the good stuff into my body to make it work better?" This could be a change of diet, stopping boozing, getting more sleep, or my personal favourite\\xa0 gaining the right type of oxygen. It doesn\'t take any money, and more often than not will save you cash in the long run. It does take focus and commitment. Since the end of 2018. I have been working on energy exchanges everyday in my life and have never felt better. I dont exercise more (if at all). I dont diet. I do add more sleep, oxygen and rest into my life. I spend twenty minutes per day, split into two periods of ten minutes breathing as deeply as I can and then holding my breath based around the Wim Hof Method of breathing. This has been a game changer for me, and I cant express the positives you will also discover by doing the same. Energy exchanges are yours to decide on, but are incredibly important if you want to achieve the life you want. Start giving yourself the best chance you can have to rock your world, by bringing the energy back into your life.'