How To Eliminate Distractions (TIME)

Published: Jan. 21, 2019, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on the show\\xa0is a man who has created something, that as soon as I saw it I thought "Wow, I know many people who could do with this system" It\'s all down to giving you the ability to focus in on a task, when the world of distractions are flying around your head. You know what its like, you have an important piece of work to finish, but you just need to check Facebook for a second, and then of course the football results, and before you know it that piece of work takes longer and longer. Pressure and stress abounds Well as our guest says "\\xa0After I left my corporate job, I spent several years struggling to build a life that allowed me the creative freedom to realize my potential, while still paying my bills. I worked as a freelance writer and tutor, started a business, and pursued numerous side hustles before eventually establishing myself as a professional coach for entrepreneurs, growth company executives, and Fortune 100 managers. Along the way, I tried everything I could find that promised to boost my productivity, and to stop myself from procrastinating and wasting time. I found productivity apps that helped me organize my to-do list, stay off social media, and manage my calendar. I also developed my own systems to set long-term goals, to plan my weeks more strategically, and to stick to a strong morning routine. After helping my coaching clients implement some of these tools, I realized that today\\u2019s digital workers need a solution for procrastination that didn\\u2019t exist: A community to connect with like-minded individuals committed to holding each other accountable, hour by hour, for actually doing the actions contained in those todo lists, productivity tools, and goal trackers. I created Focusmate to help independent workers break free of the shame and anxiety caused by chronic procrastination, and to enjoy the same benefits of accountability as clients paying thousands of dollars for coaching. Love this, truly love this. So when this idea popping into his head did he think like most people seem to do "That must be out there already, so what\'s the point?" And where does he find the biggest need for his services, from people who are just beginning or ones much further into the game who should know better. Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Taylor Jacobson Show Highlights We discussed so many deep subjects on the show such as: Why so many people fail to get an idea of the ground quite simply due to the fact that they have too many ideas. Taylor talks about "blundering" around in his career, which allowed him to experience many things that has led him to where he is today. We chat about finding the minimum viable product for any business as soon as possible, no matter how ugly it might be. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026.. What would it be like if you didn\'t have to worry about business and only do what you love doing in life? Then perhaps its time to find a business partner who does.'