How To Dominate Music Videos

Published: Jan. 3, 2022, 6 p.m.

b"Introducing Jay Seeney Today's guest joining us on the Join Up Dots show is Jay Seeney. He is the founder of media company Blacklist Productions. A company started to create cinematic videos and beautiful imagery. In just two short years since inception, Jay Seeney has filmed with the best in the Australian Country Music business, directing clips for Lee Kernaghan, the Wolfe Brothers, Andrew Swift, Troy Kemp, Drew McAlister, Benn Gunn, Matt Cornell, Mike Carr and countless other artists. Jay\\u2019s video style revolves around highlighting Australia\\u2019s best artists in some of the most desirable locations around the country. Credits include: #1 Music Video on CMC Backroad Nation \\u2013 Lee Kernaghan, #1 \\u2013 Storm Rollin\\u2019 In \\u2013 The Wolfe Brothers, over 30 music videos on the Country Music Channel Videos have received over one millions views online. Jay is a talented musician, passionate artist and photographer and a highly skilled film maker. So how did he take his passion music and build a business which has transformed his life to where it is today? And if he could give one big piece of advice to every listener of Join Up Dots what would it be? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Jay Seeney Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Jay Seeney such as: Jay shares how he got the idea for Blacklist Productions due to the cost of making his own videos. He found his own pain point and took action. We talk about the process of trawling through YouTube to find good the stuff that can push you on. It can work, but be very very selective.\\xa0 Jay talks about the method of finding the right clients for his business that can push his business forward. Scale by using their profile to build your own. And lastly................. Why gaining time in your life is so important especially at the beginning of starting your business. A day per week can be such a huge win."