How To Create Award Winning Content

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, midnight

b'Jeffrey Madoff is todays guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is the founder of Madoff Productions, based in New York City and is considered a storyteller and incisive interviewer. Now you may think that is a strange couple of facts to just throw into the introduction, but there is a reason for mentioning them. He has used those talents to help position major brands such as Ralph Lauren, Victoria\\u2019s Secret, Radio City Music Hall, and the Harvard School for Public Health. But this is just a fraction of the dots that have joined up to where he is today. Jeff began his career as a fashion designer. He was chosen one of the top 10 designers in the U.S. then switched careers to film and video production. He has since expanded his reach to include teaching, book and playwriting, and theatrical producing. How The Dots Joined Up For Jeffrey\\xa0 Now the reason we wanted to have him on the show was to share his passion for teaching people how to make a living with their ideas. He believes that most of us have it in us to really change our futures and shine a light on ourselves simply by having more faith in our ideas. As he says \\u201cMost of us have had the feeling of \\u2018I could\\u2019ve done that,\\u2019 whether at an art gallery, watching a performance, or finding a new product or even a new business idea. What\\u2019s the difference between you and them? They actually did it. You didn\\u2019t.\\u201d With his new book "Creative Careers, you will learn how to do it, too: use your creativity; have a sustainable, profitable career; and do what you love. Creative Careers pulls from interviews with more than forty experts\\u2013notable entrepreneurs, artists, and business leaders\\u2013as well as from Madoff\\u2019s own decades of experience to supercharge your career. Creativity can often feel sporadic and unfocused, coming in bursts and peaks. That\\u2019s why Madoff focuses your professional path by asking vital questions that will ultimately help you: Determine your value Be smart about your hustle Ruthlessly edit down your creative projects Overcome fear and doubt Create a successful, long-lasting career on your own terms Well there is a hell of a lot that we can talk about today, so can an idea quite simply be mad, or is everyone worth looking at and digesting? And where does he see the biggest issue with todays entrepreneurs, who seem to have 100% attention deficit when getting the creativity to start flowing? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to join up dots with the one and only Jeffrey Madoff'