How To Create A Powerful Brand

Published: July 6, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Mike Young Mike Young is today\'s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. He is the founder of the Makeovermaster and the author of Made Over: How To Create A Powerful Brand That Will Transform Your Business & Save Your Life", And also a man with a similar story to your beloved host of Join Up Dots, and most people who appear on the show. As he says "My life looked amazing from the outside. I had all the things... Recently married to a beautiful, funny and cool girl. A successful mortgage business, 250 employees and 10 offices. I lived in a $750,000 house. I owned another $150,000 in sports cars. Hell, on the outside I was living the dream life. But behind the curtains, my financial world was crumbling. How It All Went Wrong For Mike The market crash in 2007-2008 was destroying my business and I didn\\u2019t know how to fix it. I felt out of alignment, like a fraud, a fake. I didn\'t feel in alignment with who I truly was as a person. I didn\'t want to be doing what I was doing. I didn\\u2019t even want to get out of bed in the morning. But I did what I\\u2019ve always done. I worked harder I must have read more than 500 books. I went to all sorts of seminars and conferences. I did anything and everything to turn the ship around. But it was too late, the damage was done. I remember hiding in my basement crying, trying to make sure my family didn\\u2019t see or hear me. I had a kid to feed. a wife to make proud of me, bills to pay, and a reputation to uphold. And I was about to lose it all. Then The Dots Joined Up For Mike Young It was March 2008, and I was in my business partners\\u2019 office when it happened\\u2026 I left the office early and went home\\u2026 Our mortgage business was failing, I went from liquid millionaire to over $200,000 in debt in less than 6 months. And that is the perfect place to start today\'s episode of Join Up Dots. So why do we all think that working harder is the solution, when we look at the likes of Branson, Buffett and Musk and they barely look like they are doing anything? And what is the first thing someone in the weeds and drowning can do to free themselves and start living the dream life? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Mike Young. Show Highlight During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Mike Young such as: Mike Young openlys talk about his path to business minimalism, which is always the best way to build a business....simplicity wins everyday. We discuss the process of self development, which lead to a self addiction for improvement that could have held them back from moving forward. We share the brilliance of getting a personal brand, but also find out the failings that sometimes can destroy your chance of success.\\xa0 and lastly...... Why it so important to feel big emotions, and to truly allow yourself to reveal yourself warts and all to the world and your business. Return To The Top Of Mike Young If you enjoyed this episode of Mike Young, why not listen to some of our favourite podcast episodes such as Victoria Lioznyansky,\\xa0Ryan Avery,\\xa0Brad Yates\\xa0or the amazing\\xa0Jack Canfield Or if you prefer just pop over to our\\xa0podcast archive\\xa0for thousands of amazing episodes to choose from.'