How To Control The Entrepreneur Life

Published: July 7, 2021, 4:56 p.m.

b'Patricia Dominguez is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots. In 2012, burnt out with her cushy corporate job, she made the decision to jump into entrepreneurship. As she says "While in Corporate America I learned quite a bit and had the good fortune to work with some really brilliant minds. I saw a need in the small business space, specific to positioning and that\\u2019s where I\\u2019ve been able to create the most impact.\\xa0 Positioning Marketing:\\xa0 without it\\u2026 you will likely approach marketing with a \\u201cspray & pray\\u201d approach with tepid results. How The Dots Joined Up For Patricia Now of course you will be saying what the hell is position marketing ? Well this is the place that most business owners should aim for, and very few get to. Becoming a "Category of One" status in their specific market, where people understand what you are about and flock to you. It makes it doubly easy to send the right message to the right people time and time again.'