How To Build Your Own Lead Generation Agency

Published: Feb. 1, 2023, midnight

b'How To Build Your Own Lead Generation Agency Jennifer Spivak is todays guest joining us on the Steve Job inspired Join Up Dots business podcast and After living with an abusive ex in her early 20s, Jennifer set up The Ad Girls in order to empower women everywhere to achieve financial freedom. But was it easy or a bit of a struggle? Well it is no secret that, in order to create amazing online income as an entrepreneur, you need to bring in leads, clients, and customers. But, as algorithm changes and rising ad costs make paid lead gen less attractive, it can be tempting to turn your back on ads that bring in these opportunities. However, instead of giving up, she discovered that the key to leveraging Facebook ads successfully is through your messaging, and, as The Ad Girls CEO Jennifer Spivak puts it, messaging is the new targeting. She now firmly believe there are 4 main messaging buckets to incorporate into your ads if you want to convert now (credibility, vulnerability, personality, and feel-good content) And with these elements she has seen results such as driving conversion times for one client go from 191 days to just 7! And she has also learnt that the #1 mistake most companies make with their ads (thinking your customers buy based on your results and not YOU and your personality) and most interestingly to me \\u201cHow merging your personal brand with your business will help boost engagement, authenticity and loyalty\\u201d As she says \\u201cThe more I have leaned into my full weird self, the more that sort of like magnetic marketing, and personal branding is just on fire!\\u201d So what was it about the world of FB ads that got her juices going, and made her create her own business? And why join forces with one of her competitors instead of trying to beat them to every potential lead out there? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jennifer Spivak'