How To Build Life And Business Balance

Published: March 28, 2022, midnight

Craig Swanson is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast At the age of 18, Craig founded Swanson Tech Support which tuned out to be a costly failure, and worked as a tech consultant for 6 years before founding CreativeTechs which lead to over a million dollars in sales. Soon after Craig co-founded the creative online learning platform CreativeLive, an idea that was birthed from a failed video training program for his IT business. CreativeLive would grow from a small start-up team to 70+ employees offering workshops with top industry leaders like Tim Ferriss and Brené Brown. Now Craig partners with creators, educators, and influencers by providing the missing piece that they need to get to the next stage of their business and is helping build $1 million dollar businesses one step at a time. He is also the head of the Seattle Entrepreneur’s Organization Accelerator Program where he works to a similar mission, helping start-up’s with $250k in revenue top the million dollar mark. him go again after discovering the big F of failure as a young man? And looking back would he do anything differently or has it all lead him to where he is today? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Craig Swanson