How To Build Businesses Whilst Working Fulltime

Published: Oct. 14, 2022, midnight

b'How To Build Businesses Whilst Working Fulltime Matthew Dick is our guest today joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. Matthew is an unusual guest for sure, in fact I can\\u2019t remember one that manages to do so much in the time available to him every single day. He is an international bestselling author with his books being translated into more than 25 languages worldwide. He is also the co-founder and artistic director of Speak Up, a Hartford-based storytelling organization that produces shows throughout New England. He teaches storytelling and public speaking to individuals, corporations, universities, religious institutions, and school districts around the world. Now here is the unusual bit when not hunched over a computer screen, Matthew fills his days as an elementary school teacher, which he been doing for 24 years and is a former West Hartford Teacher of the Year and a finalist for Connecticut Teacher of the Year. How The Dots Joined Up For Matthew He also has no desire to quit the job and work fulltime on his other ventures. And then around all this he , a storyteller, a marketing and storytelling consultant, a speaking coach, a blogger, a wedding DJ, a minister, and a Lord of Sealand. He grew up in the small town of Blackstone, Massachusetts, where he made a name for himself by dying twice before the age of eighteen and becoming the first student in his high school to be suspended for inciting riot upon himself. So how does he decide what to focus his energies on first and foremost when tackling each new day? And of all the points made in his book Someday is Today what would he say is the one that he loves the most? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Matthew Dick'