How To Build A Succesful Local Business (Online)

Published: July 29, 2022, midnight

b'How To Build A Succesful Local Business (Online) Introducing Greenpal Founder Bryan Clayton Greenpal founder Bryan Clayton joins us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. Today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots business podcast has created huge success in a market that I simply love. As you will hear time and time again, when you can create Double Value business then more often than not you can scale massively and quickly. But of course you may be saying "David, what does that actually mean?" Well in this case, someone wants their lawn mowed, and someone wants to get a job mowing a lawn and connect the two of them together. How The Dots Joined up For Greenpal Today\'s guest is the founder of Your Green Pal, a lawn-care service launched back in 2014 YourGreenPal helps customers get multiple competitive free quotes from lawn care services near them for free. They can get started today and get their lawn mowed with out making a phone call. The company which now has 10 employees has attracted 1,000 contractors in seven states and now serve 20,000 customers. Your Green Pal aims to launch in a new city every two months. So where did they see the greatest growth in the business once they got the ball rolling? And why do more people not see the power of local search when starting their new business ideas? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Bryan Clayton Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Bryan Clayton such as Bryan shares why he sold his previous business to a huge company in America, even though he hadn\'t quite scratched the itch of business. Why it such a great idea to recruit the supplier first to get the resource for marketing to your customers. Get ready for the influx. When you are building a market place your customers must want to come for the community first, but then stay for the tools. And lastly\\u2026.. If your not gaining ground you are losing ground, is a statement that Bryan loves.'