How To Build A Speaking Career

Published: Nov. 1, 2021, midnight

b'Performative Speaking expert Robbie Crabtree is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired podcast. Over the last 8 years, our guest has worked as a prosecutor, defence lawyer, and civil rights lawyer. He also taught Persuasive Speaking at Southern Methodist University Law School and coached SMU\\u2019s National Mock Trial team. He started his career handling 102 jury trials... including murder and child abuse cases. During his time as a trial lawyer, he began getting messages from founders and entrepreneurs looking for help with storytelling, persuasion, and public speaking. Which was the first dot that lead him to start working to where he is today. Then came the second dot and\\xa0one case in particular that would change his life and his career forever. In what should have been an open-and-shut case, he used his logic and reason to appeal to \\u201cjust the facts,\\u201d but he lost that case. He lost because he focused in on the facts...the cold hard facts. Whilst the opposing lawyer created images, and told stories to build up a feeling of support for the accused.'