How To Build A Community

Published: Aug. 8, 2018, midnight

b'Today\'s guest joining us on the show, is a man with his finger on the pulse. There is a truth in business, especially online businesses that it\'s all about community. Build a community around you and you build flag-bearers, supporters and a captive audience of loyal customers ready to buy and help your business grow. But how do you get to the point of knowing how this all works, and most importantly being able to teach others? Well, he started off his career in the travel industry, at a young age, he\\xa0worked his way into management and gained experience in\\xa0leadership and understanding what motivated a team. Within the\\xa0role, he developed an understanding of the importance of\\xa0transcultural leadership and the impact this has on a business\\xa0through innovation and motivation. Which lead him to where he is today. As our guest says "Throughout my career, I have understood that a community culture is needed to help power increased innovation and productivity in a workplace. From my practical research to working with different companies, I developed my consultancy in this field and have presented practical workshops that give leaders the inside knowledge on making this community-based culture work within a business. The development of my understanding led me to write a book on the subject. Titled \\u201cHow to Build a Community in your Business,\\u201d So for our listeners building their own businesses, what is the quickest, but strongest way of gaining that community. And are there common mistakes that he sees being made time and time again, even by people and companies that should know better? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with Robert Mitton. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Robert Mitton such as: Why the United Kingdom are so poor at creating a community spirit in their towns and cities unlike other countries who seem to do it naturally Robert explains how there are four key elements of building a community that makes a game changing community. Why it is so important to encourage ownership within a community and get people to do their own thing to really make a community grow. and lastly............. Robert shares the steps that he took to get his business off the ground, and the number one bug bear of his.....that can stop all companies from ever reaching their true potential.'