How to build a business around your Smartphone

Published: July 23, 2021, 4:06 p.m.

b'Mark Egan is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast So how do you go from being a jobbing journalist for the BBC to creating a thriving business facilitating conferences over Zoom. Whilst also running a professional video enterprise teaching the world how to make top notch videos on their smartphones. Well that is the story you will hear today, as Mr Egan joins the dots to where he is today. As he says "I teach businesses and media professionals to create professional video, even if it\\u2019s using a smartphone or broadcasting from a home studio. I have trained thousands of journalists, marketers, charity workers and entrepreneurs to shoot professional videos with smartphones. How The Dots Joined Up For Mark Previous clients include the European Broadcasting Union, Oxfam, SKY, Help for Heroes, SVT Sweden, Sanoma Newspaper Group Finland, Asia Media Summit China, Wan-IFRA Delhi. But before that I worked for the BBC for 12 years, and then started Purple Bridge Media which offers training and video production. I have been involved in training and implementing new ways of working in major broadcasters such as SKY and BBC as well as academic institutions and companies. And now he he recently launched his latest video podcast looking at the Knowledge industry and sharing the tips and advice of online marketers, podcasters and anyone who has created income and wealth by sharing the stuff they know - the knowledge. So when he started his own business where did he know where to head on his new career first? How did he know what was the first right thing to do? And what would be the biggest learning he has discovered through interviewing so many online success stories that he wished he had in his armoury? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Mark Egan.'