How To Become Limitless

Published: April 24, 2019, 9:42 a.m.

b'Introducing Laura Gassner Otting Laura Gassner Otting is a professional motivational keynote speaker and the founder of Limitless Possibility. Where she empowers innovators, idealists, and iconoclasts to get \\u201cunstuck\\u201d in their thinking, push past their limiting beliefs, and achieve extraordinary results. She is turned on by the audacity of The Big Idea and that larger-than-life goal you just can\\u2019t seem to shake. She is an instigator, a motivator, and a provocateur, and she has never met a revolution she didn\\u2019t like. Her new book Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life is like a high-energy masterclass and brainstorming session all in one. With actionable tips to transform your vision for your career and do work with purpose. As she says \\u201cMany of us spend our lives pursuing a singular idea of success, one that was created for us by someone else. We give votes to those who shouldn\\u2019t even have voices and strive to go faster and faster even as we find ourselves falling further and further behind. We chase gold stars, we check all the boxes, we lean in \\u2013 and yet we still feel incomplete. When we don\\u2019t define success in our own terms, finding our purpose and carving our own path becomes impossible. So how do you break the cycle so that you can live your best life? That\\u2019s a good question isn\\u2019t it? So has she defined her own route to success, or living one that is what similar folk are doing? And when she isn\\u2019t being the greatest version of herself, how does she wind down her superpower and just relax and recharge? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Laura Gassner Otting Show Highlight During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Laura Gassner Otting such as: How to make a guest shine on a tv show by making them the best version of themselves they can ever hope to be. How at her core she is a introvert, and the reasons why she takes so much effort to prepare before she steps into the limelight. Laura shares how she was so scared in her early days in politics and seriously played the imposter syndrome to death. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026 Why being authentic to one self is not the way that perhaps David Ralph first thought\\u2026but is so true.'