How To Be Happy

Published: Dec. 22, 2017, midnight

b"In todays episode of Join Up Dots, your host David Ralph answers questions received from listeners across the world who are in different stages of growing a business that they can all their own. These range from happiness, to online construction to when is the right type time to leave your job. Big questions, require big lets start with question one: David, great show. What would be your free biggest tips to being happy? Donald, Manchester, England \\xa0 Now question two....\\xa0 Hi! I have been listening to your podcasts over the last few weeks and have been talking about wanting to start my own company for months. I've finally come up with an idea that I think really fits my background but is also something attainable and that I'd be interested in doing. I have no idea where to start... I really just have the idea I'm wanting to basically be a recruiter for candidates to go into TEFL programs and teach english abroad - I've been a recruiter for 3 years now and recently taught English in Thailand so I think this is the perfect thing for me to start! But i don't know where to begin. Any help or direction- much appreciated!! Lauren Miller Leading onto question three:\\xa0 Hi David, loving the show. I loved the episode that you talked about burnout. It was really inspiring that you could be so open and honest with us. Following on from that are you happier now, as I would imagine that you are, as that is how you come across on the show - but perhaps the truth is very different. intrigued from Stellenbosch South Africa \\xa0 and the last one \\xa0 David, quick question. I have been working on a few online bits and bobs over the last few years and now have got myself into the position to quit my job and go full time. However I am scared to do so, in case something goes wrong. When do you know when you are at the right time to leave and go it alone? Michaela Impey, Lubeck Germany \\xa0 Thank you so much for listening to Join Up Dots and if you need any help then connect with us on either Facebook or"