How To Be A Traveling Entrepreneur

Published: July 16, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has really turned his life into the one that he wanted by taking bold actions. He is a traveling entrepreneur, the host of the Travel Like A Boss podcast, the founder of the Johnnyfd travel blog and probably is waking up with a smile everyday of the week too. As he says "I was born in San Francisco which is an amazing place to live, but wasn\'t the best place to grow up. I battled with fitting in, self image issues, and trying way too hard to be someone I wasn\'t throughout my childhood. After graduating from University of California I started working a corporate job, but wasn\'t happy. Something was missing and I didn\'t know what it was. In 2006 I discovered the self help scene which ultimately lead me to the 4-Hour Workweek and gave me the courage to move to Thailand in 2008 and pursue my first ever real passion, which was scuba diving. I began being a traveling entrepreneur when traveled around the world from Australia, Borneo, all across South East Asia to the Caribbeans working as a divemaster and scuba instructor but in 2011 I decided to focus on my second found passion, Muay Thai kickboxing. After six professional fights and years of living as cheaply as possible, I turned 30 and realized I couldn\'t even afford a plane ticket home if I wanted to." And that is where we will start todays show. So what do you do when you realise that you are at a crossroads in your life and you\'ve got nothing in the bank to ease the way to future adventures? And now he is living the life that he wanted, is it always a happy day in his life, or does he still have moments of "Really, im not sure Ill want to be doing this for another ten years"? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Johnny FD Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Johnny FD such as: Johnny shares the reasons why he was glad that he experienced corporate life in California and nowhere else as he already was living the dream and it wasn\'t good. We talk about the period of flatness when the challenge of building a traveling entrepreneur business is replaced by success and you think "This should feel better than it does??" Johnny shares the moment when he realised that he needed to get away from the naysayers and doom mongers in his life or he would be stuck forever. and lastly\\u2026. Why Johnny is so glad that he documented so much of his journey, so he can always go back and see the realism of what he went through.'