How Much Can You Earn? (MINDSET)

Published: Jan. 4, 2019, midnight

b'Through Join Up Dots i have had the opportunity to meet many people across the world, whether on skype, conferences or even in pubs. Most of them approach me as they have been a listener to the show, and after the normal preambles will generally hit with the same question every time. "So how do you earn from the show?" If they are really brave, or have consumed more pinot grigio than they should. they will follow this up with the question "How much do you earn from the show?" Good questions both of them, as a podcast in itself isn\'t a money maker, it\'s one hundred percent lead generation. People listen, people decide that I am trustworthy and then they connect with me and buy my products. Now I could hit them with the answer of \\xa3xyz, giving them the figure down to the finest details but more often than not I dont. Instead I answer "As much as I Want to earn", which I can see in their eyes is not the kind of response that they are hoping for but it\'s true. Once you start creating momentum online you can literally earn what you want as long you provide the value that people want. Value equals income, and the more people who want that value then the better you will do. Totally different to working in a corporate environment, when you are not the person responsible for deciding how much that value is worth? We all remember going to the job interviews and being offered a position for \\xa330,000 a year, and skipping back home like we had just won the lottery. Roll forward a year, and we beomoan this miserly reward for our efforts as we have now decided how much value we are actually bringing to the company and it\'s a lot more than \\xa330,000. In 2019 my aim for the show is to earn \\xa3500,000 for the year which means that I have to earn \\xa341,666 per month. Is this a big ask? Well yes in one regard, which is why I have spent the last five years working on the show to build the momentum. However in the other regard, its quite simple. I just need to find what people need more and more, and then find a way of providing that so they buy from me. Value +Scale = Income. So the next time you are working at your job, or walking around thinking "I really want that car, how can i get it?" Dont just think of loans, or potential bonuses. Instead start considering how you can bring value to someone and then multiply this value. Thanks for reading and hope to see you again soon David'