How Long To Start A Business

Published: Sept. 21, 2018, midnight

b'In today\'s episode of Join Up Dots, we answer "How long to create a successful online business" and other listeners questions as ever posted on an email from across the world. We love receiving these so much, as it really shows that our words are having an effect and the world is starting to think in a different way. You see everyone has doubts, everyone has moments when they think that they can\'t get past that obstacle. Everyone runs into a closed door that they think is the killer of all there dreams, but it rarely is. So today\'s questions are part of the mindset shift more or less and we will start with one Mexico. Hi David, I am a shopkeeper in Mexico and listen to your show every day. I was interested when you revealed you had a business too, which I think was your parents? I don\'t enjoy running the shop anymore and don\'t think I ever did. How can I escape without hurting my parents who started the business 20 years ago?" Now for the second question for Angela in Bennington, Vermont USA who asks..... "David, really inspiring and different type of show. I would love to know if you could go back in time and give your younger version advice what would it be? Thanks for the show, that makes me laugh and then assess my own life in every episode" Angela And lastly, the third question comes once again from the United States of America and the town of Encinitas. "Hello, Mr Ralph and everyone connected with Join Up Dots. It seems to me when starting a business you have to expect to earn no money for a period of time, and then reap your rewards later? What timescales do you think would be realistic for someone who is inexperienced with business building"\\xa0 Michael, Encinitas San Diego County, California Thanks as always for listening, and until next time if you have any questions then feel free to jump over to the Contact Page and send your own for later answering on the show.'