Housesitting ,Travel, Adventure, & Lifestyle Success Leads To The Dream Job With Ian Usher

Published: June 10, 2016, midnight

b'Today\'s guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots Steve jobs inspired podcast, has a fascinating story of struggle, acceptance, madness, love and finding the path to a life that he never dreamt possible. Following on the from his previous appearance on Join Up Dots on episode 138, our guest has built upon amazing, headline making life changes, whereby he suffered a relationship break up, sold his entire life on Ebay, hit the headlines, sold his life story to Disney, bought a tropical island, found love and tackled a bucket list of amazing experiences all within a a period of a few years. But it is what he has done since these crazy fun times that inspires me more. You see so many people will do so much, in a short period of time and then start to settle. They will find themselves back in a routine, where the images of adventures past, haunt them like a character from a Charles Dickens novel. Our guest today however has done the opposite. He has saught out opportunities, conversations and experiences across the world and constructed a life that is on his terms. As he says "I did my last interview with Join Up Dots while I was in Texas, house sitting for a friend there as part of our US RV adventure. Since then Vanessa and I studied to become English teachers, then spent a year in China working as teachers in a private business, topping up the travel funds. Since then we have become full-time nomads, using house sitting as our accommodation, and teaching online for a Chinese company as our primary income source. As our accommodation is basically free we only have to work a few hours per week to make ends meet. It really is the global semi-retired dream lifestyle. We can live absolutely anywhere as long as we have a decent internet connection. We have become very well known in the house sitting community, and have been very successful in securing some very sought-after luxurious house sits. So how has he managed to build something from scratch, when right from the very start he was out of his long established comfort zone? And could he ever go back to a life that was controlled by the decision making of someone else? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Ian Usher'