Hollywood Life

Published: Oct. 17, 2016, midnight

b'Aaron Anastasi is my guest today on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview. He is an man who has been creating his life work from the age of 13 years old. Yes, when most of us are playing soccer with our mates, or playing X-Box our guest was singing and learning to play the guitar, even writing his own songs. His early songs were mostly rock, but he played acoustic and expanded his skills, until at the of 18, he recorded his first series of original songs, and started touring all over the United States, Europe and South America as well. Before taking the lessons that he had learned in the music world, to start teaching karaoke lovers, and shower singers how to make the most of their own vocal talents with his course Superior Singing Method But that is just one part of his backstory, as since those days he has flourished in the online world especially on Youtube, where in his own humble words he says "I\\u2019ve also had some success in the YouTube space (10 mil organic views/100k+ subscribers) But now is the next stage of his professional career with the release of his first book "The Voice of Your Dreams" where he shares his own successes, and struggles. It is a Self-help/Transformation book about silencing the voices of limitation and living a bigger life, a life with abundant possibility. Which is of course what this show is all about as you know. So with a background that encompasses film production, music, and now authorship how does he know where to channel his energies everyday? And does he know what his sweet-spot is, or is he in the rare breed of people that flourish by juggling many plates at once? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Aaron Anastasi'