
Published: Feb. 19, 2017, midnight

b'Todays guest on Join Up Dots, is a teacher, a mom, student of life, a speaker, bestselling author, eTV host, former radio host, executive coach, and mentor. But before you think that this is a lady who mentors you by helping you find the \\u201cInner Self\\u201d that is just waiting for you to tap into, then think again. She isn\\u2019t one those ladies that help find your inner potential and whoosh like a rocket ship, you will shoot your way to your true future. The kind of future that you deserve. Our guest instead has found that you can live your Ultimate Success, by studying the consistencies or repetitions in history, the reasons behind \\u201cwhat happened\\u201d. What are the patterns that occur time and time again that can send us on the slippery slope to despair and failure, and what are the ones that will lead us onto success. With her proven 5-step program, she helps all of us identify our consistencies and which of those consistencies require our attention as they may be those patterns that prevent you from having all the success you can have. As she says \\u201cAfter all, if we keep doing the same thing, how can we expect different outcomes?\\u201d Now this seems to me to be an amazingly common sense approach to me, so why do we not a focus in on the power of patterns in our own lives? And can she see a time in her life, when this wasn\\u2019t something that she was aware off too? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Dr Natalie Forest Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics such as: Why she feels it so important to be able to disconnect from technology to give 100% attention to the people of the world. How she always remembers having a desire to be a teacher, or a mentor in her life, even as a very small child. How you can start to assess your own history, by looking at the things that make you happy, and what causes your stress levels to occur. How she has now got to the point of not excepting societies \\u201cYes\\u201d and \\u201cNo\\u201d and will make the big decisions better than ever before And lastly\\u2026.. How she can\\u2019t wait to buy a BMW motor bike, and drive fast down the freeways of Baltimore loving being 100% herself. history, history, history, history'