Healthy Fats With Udo Erasmus

Published: Feb. 12, 2020, midnight

b"Introducing Udo Erasmus Today's guest on the Join Up Dots show is a legendary health and wellness pioneer, acclaimed author and extensive educator. He\\xa0developed the machinery to create FLAX OIL and started the Healthy Fats Movement. He is the Co-Founder of Udo\\u2019s Choice, a global leader in cutting edge health products having sold tens of millions of bottles of healthy oils, probiotics and digestive enzymes. He has incredible knowledge on a range of subjects such as Digestion, Nutrition, Mental Health, Presence, Consciousness, Emotional Awareness and Natural Living. He has extensive education in Biochemistry and Biology, a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology. Udo has impacted over 5,000,000+ lives by passionately conducting 5,000+ live presentations, 3,000+ media interviews, 1,500 staff training's and is a teacher at Tony Robbin\\u2019s and Deepak Chopra's events. How The Dots Joined Up For Udo As a war immigrant Udo had an extremely challenging childhood. After being poisoned by pesticides and being unable to find any help Udo began what would become a life long study of health. Udo considers all of the elements of whole health. So how do we get to peak fitness if we are short of money and time in today's ever busy world? And is the mental aspect of health more important than the body or does it not matter? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Udo Erasmus Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weight subjects with Udo Erasmus such as: How a failed marriage caused him to want to get a job that allowed him to go and kill stuff...which almost ended up killing him. We discuss how 95% of people live in a world of scarcity and are terrified of missing out on stuff they actually dont even want. Udo shares the steps for us to take to find the riches inside of us. This is the true wealth. And lastly................. Udo Erasmus shares a story of naked mud wrestling on a beach\\xa0 with a bunch of men....this wasn't expected!!"