Health Tips

Published: Dec. 10, 2017, midnight

b'Coming originally from Dallas, but now living blissfully on several acres of Pennsylvania countryside, todays guest knows a thing or two about living great, feeling great, and doing things naturally. Over the last few years he has worked enlightening people, as to how they can in his words\\u201d take back their power in the areas in which they give it away. \\u201c Which may not mean much to you at the moment, but will certainly form the basis of our interview today. He is regularly featured on television and radio where he shares his direct experiences, as to how we can make living a healthier lifestyle, and easy and fun too! It is the simple no nonsense yet basic everyday living approach to his work, which has created a hugely loyal following over the years. And with a series of publications that really tackle the pain points of people lives, such as \\u201cAcne Free in 3 Days: How I Cleared my Acne in Only 3 Days \\u201d and \\u201cWeight Loss By The Numbers\\u201d selling in large numbers he is sought after as the man to help. And its not a surprise as someone who suffered as a young man with weight issues, he is in a prime position to speak from experience. So why is it if you can cure acne in three days, that so many teenagers and young adults suffer with this issue again and again. And what was the point in his own up bringing when he realised that he had to do something about getting into shape? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Chris Gibson. Show Highlights During the episode we discussed such weighty topics such as: Why it is so important to get yourself mentally right before you start tackling the physical health we all crave. How he remembers throwing a Doctors prescription away and that was the moment that he started taking control of his destiny. Why it is so important to slow down and consider every decision that we make each day, to start making a positive change in our lives. If you are in a job that is making you unhappy then you need to ask yourself \\u201cWhy is it doing this to me?\\u201d and try to resolve the problem not just accept it. And lastly\\u2026.. How you don\\u2019t need to be an expert in everything nowadays, but you do need to know how to find the people that are.'