Health & Nutrition

Published: Dec. 16, 2016, midnight

My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who believes one hundred percent in the words of Joseph Campbell (Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors, where there were only walls.) But for many years her thoughts were driven by expectations far from remarkable, She was solid, dependable and in a career which was nothing more than traditional. As she says “I became a senior high school science teacher, driven by my passion for teaching about health and the human body. I loved and excelled in my work, and thought I would retire from this position in my elderly years. However, after a deeply transformative and unexpected personal and spiritual awakening that began in 2006, I ended up resigning from my teaching position and officially retiring in 2009. Having just come out of my 20s, and driven to never have a “job” or work in any traditional setting again. I wanted to be responsible for my own destiny and was not interested in conforming to the cookie-cutter standards and expectations set out by society. And so despite everyone’s objections to me leaving a secure job that I loved, I was driven by the voice within that was hard to ignore if I was going to be true to myself and live in alignment with my passions and values.” And so with no great plan, but hustle, passion and the ability to open doors that even the universe couldn’t, she is now the creator of the Healthytarian lifestyle, based on fresh thinking, smart eating and mindful living to empower individuals who wish to take a deeply holistic approach to their wellness. She has also created video shows on her two web channel networks EBTV and Healthytarian, that feature her own teaching and other guest experts to inspire, empower and motivate people into positive action. So when she decided to walk out of her career did she have any idea that this was the direction that she would go for? And although going great now, was there a time when she might have been persuaded to go back into full-time employment? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Evita Ochel