Health, Happiness And Community

Published: Feb. 24, 2020, midnight

b"Peter Montoya is a #1 Best-Selling Author of The Brand Called you and his newest book\\xa0The 10 Secrets of Leadership Power. He\\u2019s also a sought-after Keynote Speaker and Leadership Development Strategist with expertise in developing High-Performance Teams.\\xa0 But for over two decades our guest was the financial industry\\u2019s go-to guru on marketing & branding, now he\\u2019s the CEO of ThriveUnion. ThriveUnion is the company of human well-being. \\xa0Through intentional community-building and research-backed education, we\\u2019re shaping a world in which people feel empowered to progress from meaningless isolation to\\xa0purposeful belonging.\\xa0 In our search for a life well lived \\u2013 one of personal fulfilment and a desire to impact humanity\\u2019s greater good \\u2013 we let reason be our guide, compassion our inspiration, and experience our teacher.\\xa0 Now like most guests who appear on the Join Up Dots podcast our guest hasn't always been the go to guy. Our guest has a young man struggled through school with undiagnosed ADHD, he was admitted to and graduated from the University of California Irvine in Political Science. How The Dots Joined Up For Peter Post-college he became a travelling speaker and salesman, chalking up over 3000 presentations and living in over 22 major cities. Peter went on to found a successful advertising agency and software platform, dedicated to financial service professionals. He quickly became the industry guru, writing numerous books, including one of his best selling works \\u201cThe Brand Called You\\u201d. Peter is a truly fascinating and multi-faceted guy, with decades of experience in speaking to audiences about his business knowledge, inspirational journey, and human behavioural insight. He now pursues his passion for empowerment and community building, shedding light on society\\u2019s growing loneliness epidemic through his visionary organization ThriveUnion. So how how did he take this early life lessons and transform his life to where it is today? And if he could give one big piece of advice to every listener of Join Up Dots what would it be? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Peter Montoya Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weight subjects with Peter Montoya such as: Peter shares how he used to feel such negative emotions in his life, which he can see now did nothing more than hold him back, We discuss why gratitude always comes before happiness (360 from what most people consider to be true)\\xa0 Peter reveals the stats that up to 25% of entrepreneurs might well be suffering from ADHD which can actually be an amazing superpower. And lastly................. During the chat we found out that having wonderful relationships are the number one benefit to a long and healthy life."