Health Business

Published: July 19, 2017, midnight

b'Heath and business is what takes up my guests todays life. He is a man who classes himself as Part CEO, part personal development wonk and part biohacker info geek. Built from his background of businessman, television producer, filmmaker and author he would also class himself as 100% self-confessed serial entrepreneur,, He began his life journey in Colorado (via Wisconsin), where he studied marketing at the University of Colorado. He then graduated from Chadwick University with a BA in environmental studies, then went on to attend graduate school at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he studied intellectual property law. But it would seem to me that his life, at least where he was always heading started for earnest in 1999 when he started the health food business\\xa0Steviva. Answering the need of food companies to manufacture products lower in sugar (and to adhere to new health based FDA disclosure guidelines), Steviva offers a wide range of industrial-size, high-quality clean-label sweetening systems for food manufacturers, plus smaller, pack-size sweetening options for health-conscious consumers. Through Steviva, our guests goal is to eliminate metabolic disease, one meal at a time. As he says "I founded Steviva Ingredients as a result of my passion for health, business, community service and environmental advocacy. My company was inspired by and follows the world renowned engineer, statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and management consultant Professor W. Edwards Deming\'s principles of constant improvement in product and customer service. My company ensures the highest possible standards for quality control and food safety. This drives everything we do." And isn\'t that how all success is made? Constant improvement over a period of time, leading to something amazing, rewarding and valuable to ourselves and the world. You start small, and work hard until the world starts to take notice. So was the entrepreneurial vibe born in him or constructed piece by piece by everyday of his working life? And living in a country that is known for its ample portions, sauces, relishes and other additions has it been easier to build his company, or more difficult because of the environment of food loving? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only, Mr Thom King. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Thom King such as: How he came to the realisation that he loves the moments of pain in his life, as this is the area of greatest growth. Thom shares an amazing story of how he came to find recognition from his father, something that he was so grateful for especially after his father passed away. Why he feels that so many people have a ceiling attached to their mindset which they could just blast through, as long as they look around and see what others are doing. and lastly\\u2026. Thom shares his childhood dreams of being in the entertainment industry, although he never truly felt it was possible. A mindset ceiling that he never truly managed to breakthrough.'