
Published: Jan. 14, 2018, midnight

b'Health Is Big Business And Todays Guest Has Taken His Ill Health And Created Massive Success Today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview is a man who has been through so much that you would think that a smile wouldn\\u2019t be permanently attached to his face. But attached it is, and it seems to be getting bigger everyday too. You see this is a guy who found his path to success, fulfilment and enjoyment in such a dark place that it is testament to the truth \\u201cThe real gift is waiting within\\u201d As he says \\u201cFor nearly two decades of my early life, there was always something wrong with me. I was dead tired and suffered from an avalanche of health problems. I endured all of this even though I was an athletic and supposedly fit young man. I tried to ignore it, tucking it all under a rug, but eventually there came a day when I decided enough was enough. And it was all because of this one fateful event\\u2026 It was late one Wednesday night in the middle of March, a few days before my 17th birthday. I had just returned home from soccer practice, but I was even more of a mess than usual\\u2026\\u201d You see he had finally come to the acceptance that there was something wrong within, that not only would change his outward appearance dramatically, but also threaten his life dream of becoming professional footballer forever. He had found his biggest challenge, one that would take him to the brink, before he managed to step onto the first part of the path, that would lead him to where he is today. A New York Times best selling author and one of the most trusted health experts in the world, appearing on TV and radio across the world. So how did he beat the physical issues, when he also had to tackle the mental issues that made his teenage years so difficult too? And does he feel that this is 100% what he should be doing with his life, or is he simply waking towards the bigger path, waiting patiently for him? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Yuri Elkaim.'