Happy New Year 2021

Published: Jan. 1, 2021, midnight

b'Happy New Year 2021, we all cry in unison across the world. Is it as much to say goodbye to 2020, which started off as normal and ended up in such a weird way nobody was untouched? Who knows, but one things we do know is a Happy New Year 2021, means a lot more than most years to a lot more people. In todays podcast we give a brief overview of the changes that have occurred in our business over the last six months or so. Also we talk about how to start building online success, by breaking down financial goals into small easy to achieve targets. You want \\xa3200 per month of additional income, then how do you want to get it? Do you want \\xa3200 from one customer or do you want \\xa3200 from 200 customers paying you a \\xa31 each. Its all up to you to decide and make it happen. Our Goals For 2021 We love shouting out Happy New Year 2021 with gusto, as quite frankly we like drawing a line under previous challenges and starting all over again. Through Join Up Dots journey over the last seven years we have never had a year where we haven\'t set firm and achievable goals right from the start. In 2021 we have decided that we want to increase the value and profitability of the business, whilst freeing ourselves more and more from the the day to day running of the operation. Its quite easy to get caught up in the weeds and find yourself restricted by the challenges and workload that it takes to run a business. So its time to reassess and start delegating more and more to the over day to day operations by building teams . Whats the point in having a business when quite frankly it doesn\'t give you what you wanted in the first place. More Goals For 2021 Over the last ten years or so, we feel that the major thing that we have done, that let\'s our work down, is getting you guy to believe. We need you to believe in the system of online business more than ever, by tipping the iceberg upside down. We are going to make things clearer and clearer to you all, so by listening to Join Up Dots you will gain total clarity of the steps that you need to take. Through the three times a week podcast episode, and videos sent directly to your email inbox we are going to let you peer behind the curtain. Is there anywhere else that does this for you in such consistent ways? We dont think so, so lets set the bar as high as possible to make the biggest difference that we can. Big goals, big focus and a big delivery from us to you, but we will make it happen. So from everyone at Join Up Dots, there is nothing left for us to say than scream "Happy new Year 2021" its going to be the best one ever.'