Happy New Year 2019

Published: Jan. 2, 2019, midnight

b"Happy New to everyone who listens to the show, so how has it been already? Are you focused on the amazing opportunities and income busting ideas flowing around your head? Or are you instead hugging your pillow whilst thinking of that last pint and half of tequila that you consumed the night before? Well wherever you are today you will never have a better time to start taking the bull by the horns and making a difference in your life. It's new year resolution time, when you decide that you are going to run a marathon, stop drinking and take control of your life. You know the kind of stuff that starts with a bang and ends up with a whimper. You start with the best of intentions, keep going for a few weeks and then stop as you don't have the desire to keep it going. I think the better way of doing things, is start doing small things in October when you aren't trying to do them because of the calendar and see if you can keep them going. If you don't keep them going then it doesn't seem as much as failure. It was just something that you tried and it didn't work very well. Seems sensible to me for sure. So in Join Up Dots land for 2019, my focus is three fold: Make more money, enjoy myself more, and get a bit healthier. Im not setting out to recreate the wheel, just focusing in on a few things here and there that can make a big difference to my life. Develop the coaching side of the business at Join Up Dots first and foremost which you can check out here\\xa0\\xa0as this is now the big part of what we do at Join Up Dots. Bringing in over 15 years of experience in just 30 days we show you how to build a business that works online - BigTime. Thats it in a nutshell. Just three stages to the next phase of my life and of the Join Up Dots empire all being tackled in a measured and confident manner. Let us know what is happening in your life and we look forward to being with you hand in hand as you march your way to success. Happy New Year!!!!!!"