Hal Elrod: Six Minutes Dead And A lifetime Of Pure Living

Published: July 20, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest has an amazing story,of a tragic accident,which ultimately could have been the best thing to happen to him.Known as Yo Pal Hal since hosting his first radio show at age 15,his greatest triumph came at age 20 after he was hit head on by a drunk driver and found dead at the scene.Despite being clinically dead for six minutes,in a coma for six days,breaking 11 bones and being told he may never walk again, Hal defied the logic of doctors and the temptations to be a victim, and he bounced back to prove that ALL of us are capable of overcoming extraordinary adversity to create extraordinary results in our personal and professional lives.Hal has appeared on dozens of TV and radio shows,and he\\u2019s been featured in numerous books which is not a surprise when you consider how his mental attitude has created something so amazing,out of something that could have finished him off.So lets bring onto the show to start connecting up the dots of his life,the one and only Hal Elrod.'