Guy Vincent: The Publishizer King Talks E-Books, Leaps Of Faith, And Starting Projects Ugly and Fast

Published: July 4, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest has an amazing tale, and one that I have read more than once, as it has the classic stumbles and falls, successes and moments of inspiration that make this guy perfect for join up dots. As a young man, our guest was always on the look out for entrepreneurial\\xa0ventures. Starting with an e-book venture our guest ploughed into the online world with all the enthusiasm of someone who knew that they couldn\\u2019t fail. Unfortunately their heart wasn\\u2019t telling them the full story, and after an initial success the business never truly got off the ground. Was it the wrong time? Was it that the promotion was wrong? Or was it just that nobody wanted e-books? Well, it was quite certainly wasn\\u2019t the last one, so where did he go wrong? Without pausing for breath, he didn\\u2019t give himself a chance to dwell on it, he dusted himself down and took massive action. Leaving his apartment, quitting a relationship, quitting a job, and selling everything he owned, he bought an airline ticket to Asia and started his new life: He was 23, scared to death, but knew there was a dream he needed to find. So lets find out how that dream is getting on, as we start joining up dots with the one and only Guy Vincent.'