Going For No

Published: July 12, 2019, midnight

b'Today\'s guest contacted us to come onto the show and we didn\'t know what to do. He wanted to come on and share their mission for overcoming rejections\\xa0 and actively seeking a NO. Back in 2014 we had a guest on the show called Andrea Waltz, who is the author of the book Go For No She is a lady who quite simply wont take no for an answer, but unusually it is the no\\u2019s that she actively seeks out, and not like the rest of us the much more appealing \\u201cYes\\u2019s She believes that we are the products of our self-limiting beliefs in life. We are frightened of what people are going to say. We are frightened of what people are going to think. We are frightened of people saying \\u201cNo\\u201d to us. How The Dots Joined Up For Leo Well todays guest was so inspired by Andrea Waltz\'s quote..."You can achieve EVERY goal and reach EVERY dream by simply hearing NO more often!" He has kicked off a group with "The Summer of A Thousand NOs". As he says "You don\'t need to commit to hearing NO one thousand times this Summer only that you will commit to asking for what you want more often. You should make a NO goal for the Summer, though. None of us have control of the YESs we may get but we can, to a certain, extent control the number of NOs we get." So why did the message resonate so much, when all of are bombarded by people motivating us to be bigger versions of ourselves. And what has been his favourite most creative way that he has received a rejection during his Go For No mission Well lets find out more, as we start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Leo Quinn Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Leo Quinn such as: We discuss how Leo first bought the book over even years ago but could never see the message until now\\xa0 Why the frivolity of youth is such a barrier to overcoming obstacles in business and life. Leo believes 100% that you should Never accept a no from someone who doesn\'t have the power of saying Yes" And lastly...... Leo can see an increase to his bank balance in just one month, which is testament to this mindset shift. How To Connect With Leo Quinn Website Facebook Linkedin Twitter Return To The Top Of Leo Quinn If you enjoyed this episode with Leo Quinn, why not check out other inspirational chat with Clayton Morris,\\xa0Dorie Clark,\\xa0and the amazing\\xa0Niall Doherty You can also check our extensive podcast archive by\\xa0clicking here\\xa0\\u2013 enjoy Audio Transcription\\xa0Of Leo Quinn Interview Intro 0:00 When we\'re young, we have an amazing positive outlook about how great life is going to be. But somewhere along the line we forget to dream and end up settling. Join Up Dots features amazing people who refuse to give up and chose to go after their dreams. This is your blueprint for greatness. So here\'s your host live from the back of his garden in the UK. David Ralph. David Ralph 0:25 Yes, hello. Hello there. Good morning and welcome to infuse Yeah, stick episode of Join Up Dots. I\'m going to enjoy this conversation today because he it fundamentally brings together what Join Up Dots is all about is about going for things even if you haven\'t got the answer just going for it. And sometimes you going to do well, sometimes you\'re not sometimes you\'re going to get a yes. Sometimes you\'re going to get a no and more often than not. You\'re probably going again, though. Well, today\'s guest contacted us to come on the show. And to be honest, we didn\'t know what to do. He wanted to come on and share his mission but overcoming rejections and actively seeking and know. But how do you say yes, if he actually wants to know where we say to us? Now he\'s on the show. Now back in 2014, we had a guest on the show called Andrea waltz. Who is the author of the book go for know funnily enough, she is a lady who quite simply won\'t take no for an answer. But And usually, it\'s the knows that she actively seeks out and not like the rest of us the much more appealing yeses. She believes that we are the products of our self limiting beliefs in life. We are frightened of what people are going to say we are frightened of what people are going to think and we have frightened of people saying no to us. Well, today\'s guest was so inspired by Andrea Waltz, his quote, you can achieve every goal and reach every dream by simply hearing no more often, he\'s kicked off a group with the summer of 1000 nose. As he says you don\'t need to commit to hearing no 1000 times this summer. Only that you will commit to asking for what you want more often, you should make a no goal for the summer bow. None of us have been control of the yeses we may get but we can, to a certain extent control the number of nose we get. So why did the message resonate so much when all of us are bombarded by people motivating us to be bigger versions of ourselves on YouTube and TV and got the second podcast as well? And what has been his favourite most creative way? But he\'s received a rejection during his gopher no mission. Well, let\'s find out as we start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Leo Quinn. Leo Quinn 2:31 Morning. Good morning, David. Disappointed to be here. I was really hoping to get a note my request to beyond but you give me a yes. So I know. It\'s a strange old David Ralph 2:41 fame. When I sent the email back. I was thinking he wants to know but I actually want to speak to him and how do I do this? And I must admit for the listeners out there you don\'t know but Leo sent me an audio tape of rejections and they sort of ranged from people just say no quite politely to people getting quite annoyed. There must have been about 10 to 15 of them how many of you got now Leo? Leo Quinn 3:06 I\'m up to 396 that is David Ralph 3:09 like one night in my bedroom Genova. So what why have you gone for this? Why have you wanted and we start with Andrea waltz First of all, because that Join Up Dots the of the episode. So she was back in 2014. And I remember her saying, Go for knows. And I didn\'t quite get it at that time. And I was kind of thinking, you know, that\'s just seems a stupid way to go. I see now in a totally different way. Why did you see it? Leo Quinn 3:41 Well, I\'m embarrassed to admit that I bought that book 11 years ago, and go for now I March 26 2008. And I only realised that because I went back to the page on Amazon. And it told me and I had been looking for a project to do this summer. And at that point, I read the quote that you are he said I can achieve every goal and reach every dream by simply hearing no more often. And for some reason, I\'m may 23. That really made an impression on me. I decided that was going to be my summer project because even though I bought the book 11 years ago, and I talked about the book constantly, I use these storey about you don\'t want to buy any life insurance, do you? I tell that storey constantly not my local marketing talks. I\'ve never once intentionally increased my failure rate. So I decided that this summer, I was going to do it. David Ralph 4:27 And has it been a game changer for you? Leo Quinn 4:31 Absolutely. I can honestly say that prior to this project, I had not heard no in my business life 100 times much less 392 or 1000. And it\'s because I bent over backwards to avoid hearing No, I\'ve done a lot of direct mail in my life, I send a lot of lumpy mail, it\'s weird things you send in the mail to get people\'s attention. I never once followed up and say hey, I\'m the guy that sent you the whatever it was, and continue the conversation that way. So I\'ve done a lot of things to avoid hearing know. So I, as I say, I certainly haven\'t heard it 100 times before this project. So it really has been a game changer. I really now don\'t fear no, on the phone, I have to do more in person knows for the rest of my during the rest of my 600 and how many ever it is 604 knows that I have yet to get this project. So that\'s one of my goals is to increase the number of important knows, I think I conquer my fear of telephone notes. David Ralph 5:25 Now, with your business, let\'s frame what you do for a living because this is a kind of side hustle project. Most people that come on Join Up Dots. They talk about what they do for a living, but basically is actually just to help you develop your business and then maybe develop a side hustle later on where you can take it off into different areas and teach other people to go for knows I imagine. Leo Quinn 5:48 I\'m a marketing consultant, I call myself a small business marketing consultant, I I like to call myself an implementation meaning I want to work with a business owner who knows everything they should be doing. They\'ve been to the seminars, they\'ve gotten the books, on marketing, they know what they should be doing, they just don\'t have time to do it. So my goal for this project was obviously to get more clients. And so far, most of the knows I\'ve gotten have come from pizza shops here in the United States, because there\'s a million of them, I\'m never going to run out of people to tell me know, they\'re easy to reach the foot, they\'ve answered the phone, the owner probably isn\'t going to answer the phone, but he or she is probably within arm\'s reach of the phone. So that\'s why I decided there I\'ve since branched out into other niches. But I wanted to start with that one because I knew there\'d be a tonne of them. And when I first started, I had no idea how easy or hard it would be to get 1000 notes. So I figured I pick a niche to where is that where there\'s a tonne of them. So far, I can trace 1200 dollars in extra income that I wouldn\'t have without this project. And I started the project on July or June 10th. So just over a month. David Ralph 6:55 That\'s brilliant, isn\'t it that that is rock hard evidence. Getting out of your own way is the key to success. Leo Quinn 7:03 And I\'ll tell you, I\'ll be honest with you, I haven\'t made dollar one from the calls I\'ve made. But I\'ve made all this money by being public about my goal. And people asking me about it and saying Oh, tell me more and then signing up as a client. So it\'s really been an interesting result. Now, why David Ralph 7:20 have you been going for the nose now? And could could you have done it earlier? Because you know what, why I asked that I had a guy on the show, he must have been about episode hundred and 10 or something it was a long time ago. And he was a 17 year old entrepreneur called Houston GM. And he was a great guy who was in school, when he got a motivational speech, but really wasn\'t motivating at all about just get out there. And you know, get yourself a job and work for 40 years and then get yourself a pension and then die basically. And he fought No, I\'m not going to do that I\'m going to get out there straight away and make things happen. So he wrote a book at the age of 17. And he wrote 100 people to get a forward. So somebody would write a nice being at the beginning. And he got rejected 100 times, and he\'s hundred and one was Donald Trump, who now now he should have gone 202 I would have said 100 and kept moving on. But Donald actually wrote back and he wrote the foreword of fat. And he was saying, you know, I could have stopped at 9998 and just thought it was going to happen, he would have gone to 1000 because he knew that it would ultimately occur. Now he\'s at the age of 17. And he understood that. Why is it taking us so many, many years and wanting to take us all so many more years? when Ben Houston gun to understand the concept, Leo Quinn 8:44 I think probably the frivolity of us, I thought I would have, you know, forever. I\'ve you know, I started looking ahead thinking ahead. I have a lot of older relatives and I see how ages affecting them. And they have children to take care them I don\'t. So I\'m going to have to be rich uncle Leo, to make sure that my nieces and nephews take an interest in my care. So that\'s one of my primary motivations. I know I\'ve been fairly successful not or avoiding. No, I want to see what happens when I actually go at it head on. David Ralph 9:17 I\'ve never had a rich uncle could could you adopt me Leo? Would that be Leo Quinn 9:21 what? We can talk about it? Absolutely. David Ralph 9:23 Will you push me on the swing? If I come across? Yeah, absolutely. Yo, yo, support me out. So So what was the first go? Your know your go for? No. Was it? Was it an easy one? Are you getting bigger and bolder? With the things that you\'re actually asking for? Leo Quinn 9:41 Yes, actually, my first No, I\'ll tell you, I have a dent in my fender. And I want to get it fixed. But I don\'t want to pay. So I sent pictures of my dentist to a robot Auto Body Shop I\'ve used before. And he called me up and said it\'s going to be 200 to 2400 depending on it\'s a couple things. And I I asked him I said well, would you be interested in trading, I\'ll build your website, I\'ll help you with your social media in exchange for the repair. And he said, Now I really want to get out of the business and it\'s not profitable anymore. So that was really my first know. That actually happened on May 28. David Ralph 10:18 And so you do you leave it then you don\'t go back in and try to get that result. You\'re just happy with the No, Leo Quinn 10:26 I\'m happy with it. No, that was my first no in my summer of 1000 nose. So I was very happy with my sense contacted other auto body shops, I I think I\'ve gotten three or four more knows, I really want to get up to 10 nose before I decided probably have to kind of fix it myself. So hopefully I\'ll find somebody that I can is willing to barter. David Ralph 10:43 And could could it be something you know, in a local area? Could you be the person that people want to avoid? When they think Oh god, he\'s that guy. He\'s never got any money. He\'s always asking for something. But he\'s gonna say he\'s gonna lend us a sheep for the weekend to move along. If we can do it, you\'re going to become that guy? Leo Quinn 11:02 I don\'t think so. And I\'ll be honest with you most of the nose, I\'ve gotten her out of town. So I started calling now these pizza shops out of town because I the local pizza shops and local businesses I want to go into personally because I think it\'s a lot harder to say no to somebody if they\'re standing in front of you. So I\'ve built up my callous making calls out of town. I\'m going to know the second bunch of knows I have to get more in person. David Ralph 11:26 Well, okay, so so let\'s take it from you for a moment and throw it over to our listeners who probably unlike most people, and the last thing that they want you to know they want positive because it kind of makes you feel good, a little bit warm. And no, it\'s just end of game. Well, what would be the first thing that I\'ve got to think about? Because this is a muscle isn\'t it? We\'re talking about we\'re developing a muscle where we can move on and lift stronger and stronger beings to get that result. What do you think would be one of the first things I can do? Leo Quinn 11:58 Do a go for stunt? No. And there\'s a guy named g8 gang he\'s a known as the rejection therapy guy. And he came on the scene 2013 1415 one of those times, one of those years with his hundred days of rejection. So he made a goal to get rejected once a day for 100 straight days. And he actually videotaped these. And he would do things like asked to borrow money of a stranger. He he acts you bought a burger burger place and then went up to the counter and asked for a burger refill. He knocked on somebody. He\'s knocked on somebody\'s door and asked to play soccer or football in the backyard. And they said yes, the burger refill. People said no. He really became famous when one of his videos went viral. It was the video of him going into a donut place and asking them to make him a collection of donuts that looked like the Olympic rings. Was it during the Olympic time? And they said yes. So he videotaped that he put it online. And that\'s how he came to fame. So come up with something like that. That\'s fun, and will make people laugh, and isn\'t going to change your life one way or the other. I I\'ve done one step know so far. I we I was on a toll road here in New York. And the toll was 30 cents I ended the ticket I waited for him to say 30 cents and then I held up $1 lottery ticket next day, can I pay with this lottery ticket? You smiled and said no. So you know, do something like that that\'s doesn\'t have a lot of emotion attached either way, but it sort of helps you build the muscle, David Ralph 13:30 I would have taken that lottery ticket when you for the sake of you know, it could be a winner? Leo Quinn 13:36 Absolutely. If he had 30 cents in his pocket, it David Ralph 13:38 would have been a good deal for him. And so he was sitting there just being sort of a negative outlook. Well, I would think God, what\'s the chance of this happening? No one\'s ever done this to me before. I\'m going to map that out. That is the 30 gone go through unless he\'s on CCTV. And they\'ve been he\'s money laundering or something? I don\'t know. Unknown Speaker 13:56 Exactly. David Ralph 13:56 Yeah. So so there\'s always differences for it. But no, I would love to ticket. So let\'s look at it. So they start on something quite small, like this guy. So in an office situation where most people are, what what can we do? What can we do to get to know first of all, do you think? Leo Quinn 14:15 Ask someone to go to buy you lunch? As someone who buy your coffee, donuts? Something like that? I David Ralph 14:21 can say in order kitchen, and then say to somebody you don\'t say I haven\'t got any money? Would you mind lending it to me? He would say I don\'t want to buy this myself. Would you buy it? Leo Quinn 14:33 Right or ask for a discount? Hey, can I have a nice guy discount or a nice gal discount? David Ralph 14:38 Because there was a guy that I saw online that would just go up to people and say, I photocopy I don\'t know if you\'ve seen this it was an A? Yes, yeah. And the person was standing at a photocopier and people were lining up to do photocopying and a person would you steam up and go slowly, I need to photocopy Can I get to the front? And everybody you should have gone? No, you get to the back. We\'re all waiting to photocopy but because he did it in a certain way. He just got to the from now with yourself. We\'re not saying it\'s about saying it in a certain way. We\'re just saying it\'s about saying it and learning to deal with the rejection. Leo Quinn 15:18 That\'s right. And I think what you\'re talking about is probably had to do with David Cialdini, or is it David Cialdini, the persuasion guy. And if I recall the storey correctly, Robert Cialdini, if I recall the storey correctly, people would walk up and they would say, Can I get in front of you because I have to make some copies. Now these people are standing in line at a copier, it\'s sort of a given that you\'re there to make copies. But apparently that word because gave it more credibility or more strength, and people were more likely to let you ahead if you had said something after the word. Because now David Ralph 15:53 I\'ve got his book on my shelf called influence the psychology of summing up, I can\'t quite see it otherwise. And it was fascinating how we\'ve all got the abilities to revolutionise our prospects in life, just by understanding the Social Triggers and the way that people operate in a kind of a herd scenario. And operating in a totally different way. If we if we go to the same way everybody else does, which is going to get the crumbs on way. Leo Quinn 16:24 Exactly. Right. Exactly. Right. And I think one of the main examples that you\'ll hear, maybe from dating, websites and things is the guy who goes up and asks every propositions every woman in a bar is going to get slapped a lot, but he\'s also going to go on a lot of dates. David Ralph 16:40 Yes, yeah. And that\'s why this is one of my day to day, you\'ve led me into a subject here. Because I always say to people, you always see the ugly guy with the absolutely drop dead, gorgeous woman. And you always see that and you think How the hell did that happen? You know? And it\'s basically because that guy is so used to being rejected by here, chances aren\'t with anyone. And the really good looking girl doesn\'t get asked out by anybody, because we all think that she\'s gonna say no, so we don\'t so the ugly guy just steams in and catching. It\'s It\'s beautiful lady love making time by the end of the evening. And he\'s getting high fives from everyone he means by easy. So his rejection thing, isn\'t it? He\'s got use. And so he can move on. He doesn\'t Leo Quinn 17:29 care. Yeah, absolutely. Now do we have to David Ralph 17:32 care at certain times, though? He is some kind of social structures were going for no would be just wrong, for example, like, you know, in an Undertaker\'s or somewhere, you know, are there places that you wouldn\'t go it? Or you say, No, I can do know, wherever I want? Leo Quinn 17:49 Yes, I\'ve thought about this because particularly with the stuffy nose, stuffy nose could tend to embarrass someone, or they\'re not qualified. You know, somebody said never accepted know, from someone not empowered to give you a yes. And so I\'m very careful not to try this on somebody who might be embarrassed by the question or something like that. But other than that, I can\'t think of too many examples of where asking for a know what wouldn\'t be appropriate. David Ralph 18:25 Right? So you go up into a Starbucks person, and you don\'t ask the person at the counter, you ask to speak to the manager to you? Leo Quinn 18:31 Right, that would be how I would do it. Yeah. David Ralph 18:33 And what would you do in the undertaker, would you go in there? I just I\'m interested to see how your brain works. Because you know, you\'re you\'re on this journey. It\'s developing a superpower. That there\'s a there\'s a thing on Netflix. I don\'t know if you\'ve seen it called afterlife with Ricky Jabez. And I have, if you\'ve got Netflix, look this out. Because even if you don\'t like Ricky Gervais, he\'s really is the first episode. It\'s got some quite strong language in it. But you understand why and effectively. He\'s a nice guy, he does his best. He really supports everyone. And then his wife dies of cancer. And he thinks well, what\'s the point? Why? Why have I been nice to everyone? Because, you know, this is how life treats me. So he decided to just be totally honest, and and mean to people basically, you know, and get on with his life. And he closes it as a superpower. He says, you know, nothing can happen to me. If I overcome that ability of holding myself back. He just he just free to live his life. Leo Quinn 19:37 Right, right. And it is quite freeing it. We all one of the reasons people don\'t like hearing rejection is they like to be liked. And they\'re afraid that asking for what they want will appear pushy, and that people will like them. But as many people have said, People aren\'t thinking about you. They\'re thinking about themselves. And I realised that 10 seconds after these people hang up on me or whatever they forgot to about me, they\'re on to something else. So no sense of me worrying about it, because they\'re certainly not. David Ralph 20:06 Now, I\'m going to play some motivational words now. And I\'m going to come straight back to you. But these are the words that Jim Carrey said, and it\'s worth hearing them again, he goes, my Jim Carrey 20:14 father could have been a great comedian, but he didn\'t believe that that was possible for him. And so he made a conservative choice. Instead, he got a safe job as an accountant. And when I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job. And our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you can fail at what you don\'t want. So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love. David Ralph 20:41 Now, the two words that jumped out bear for our conversation is the word safe. And taking a chance. Now, you are now in that ability to see past safe and seeing the opportunities past safe. Do you think this is going to fundamentally changed the way you operate going forward? Or is it just a phase you\'re going through? What now you\'ve gone to this point? Is it then going to be done 1000 and stop? Or are you just going to keep on going 10,000 20,000 30,000 Leo Quinn 21:17 I\'m going to definitely keep on going. I in Andrea\'s book, she talks about the different levels of failure or pursuing failure and one of those is failing exponentially. So my hope is at the end of 1000, I\'ll be able to hire people to get more nose for my company every day. So definitely, it\'s something I\'m going to continue doing. I read a great meme online the other day that said no guts, no storey. So I\'m getting new storeys every day fun storeys that will be hopefully entertaining and encouraging to people. So I\'m definitely going to keep with it. I actually keep I have a chalk name tag that I wear when I\'m out and about and it has a number on it. Right now the number is 396. And I enjoy changing that number. I enjoy people coming up and asking me what that is. Sometimes they\'ll say it\'s my IQ. But most of the time, I\'ll explain that. I\'m pursuing failure. And so far, I\'ve been rejected 396 times this month or what this year. David Ralph 22:14 And that leads into a quizzical conversation, or did they just look at you and go, Okay, I don\'t really understand why you\'re doing that and walk away? Leo Quinn 22:23 Oh, no, usually a quizzical conversation, I usually wear it at networking events. So they\'re there to promote their business and find about other businesses. So most people are David Ralph 22:32 interested, some people say they\'re going to do it. Rarely do I find people that actually stick with it, because it\'s hard. It\'s that public persona that is quite difficult to sort of shake off what people expect you to do, and how people expect you to be there was a guy on my show, again, reflecting back through the episodes called Tex Allen. And he was a guy who, basically he going to Starbucks or some shops, and he\'d see people just on their phones in the queue just sort of like looking down clicking away. And he would be served by people that barely looked up at him. And he thought, this is getting ridiculous, you know, no one is looking anyone in the eye anymore. We\'re all just staring down at our devices. And so he decided to wear a red nose like a clown. And he would just put it on his face and go out for the day. And what he wanted was people to say, you know, what\'s with the nose, you know, what, what\'s with the red nose and actually bring into conversation and his whole business stem from that. And it\'s cold from memory, what\'s with the red nose? Or why the red nose. And he\'s taken back ability of shaking off those, those shackles. And he now coaches people and be more competent and being more vibrant in personal situations and public situations. And once again, getting out the way it\'s a different way. But it\'s still a nose, you\'re going for 1000 nose and he just went with one. Leo Quinn 24:00 That\'s exactly right. How are you familiar with the Scott Ginsburg, on fake leave, think of his name somewhere in the back of my mind. Well, name tag, Scott, he has been wearing a name tag for at least 20 years, every single day. It says My name is Scott. He has also tattooed to his body. So he\'s never going to lose the record for wearing a name tag. But that\'s his exact thing. He wanted to get more people in the conversation. So he wears it everywhere. And he\'s turned it into a great little business name tag, Scott. David Ralph 24:31 Because I said to my daughter the other day, I said you should have a name tag that says, I really like you. And she said, No, no, that just be mad, that just be creepy. And I said no. People will smile. And she said No, No, it won\'t. It\'d be like, No, I wouldn\'t do it. And we had this discussion about are people looking for that. That connexion and they\'re frightened of it? Or is it the case of we shouldn\'t have that connexion anymore? Now she certainly says no, it\'s creepy. Why would you do it? But I think people would like man, what what do you think? Leo Quinn 25:04 Well, it\'s different for a woman than a man. I think particularly in these times, you\'re wearing a name tag, you\'re going to have people staring at your chest all day. And that can be uncomfortable, I suppose. So I certainly understand where she\'s coming from. It doesn\'t have to be a name tag, it could be anything is talking about name tags. Back in 2005, I wore a name tag that scrolled a message like under a bank sign. And I\'m not sure I haven\'t been to England since 1988. So I\'m not sure. But in this country, some banks have large signs. And underneath, there\'s a scroll with the weather or rates that the bank is offering. There\'s actually name tags, you can buy the do that on your chest. And I wore that at a seminar many years ago. And really, tonnes of people came up to me to find out what it was. And they would read it and was quite a game changer for me at that particular seminar. But definitely anything that gets people coming up and talking to you is worth trying. But it does take a little David Ralph 26:00 courage to do it, I\'m going to share something I\'ve never shared in an episode of Join Up Dots. But this is a real exclusive. But the ladies in my family, they\'re quite they\'re quite welling down on the chest area. It\'s a family trait that runs through. And quite frankly, they\'re not lacking in that regard. And my eldest daughter used to go to the pub, we have a really tight t shirt that said, right across, you can look but then you\'ve got to buy me a drink. And she used to wear that all the time. And she used to go out and she said, never bought a drink once and she\'d come back. That was a little badge of honour, I suppose'