Ghostwriting For Blogs

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, midnight

b'Today\'s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots podcast interview,\\xa0is from the Wisconsin Area of the United States and is a man who loves the written word. He is the founder of the Ghost writers for blogs company, called Ghost Blog Writers funnily enough As he says "In 2010, I founded Ghost Blog Writers. We provide blogging services for businesses. We focus strictly on blogging. Rather than spreading ourselves thin by focusing on all content we focus on being the best blog writing service provider. It\'s our passion. It\'s out expertise. We also believe in long-term blogging strategies. The best results, in our experience, come from two things. First, a consistent schedule. You\'re not going to find success with blogging with a post once in awhile. There needs to be regular blogging over the long-term. Second, answering questions the target customer is asking. It\'s really that simple. When you help your target customer by answering questions they have in relation to your industry you earn their trust and people like doing business with people they trust. So starting this business as a side hustle whilst still working as a manager for Mason Companies, in Chippewa Falls did he know that it would turn out as a full time gig, with an ever increasing team of employees? And if he could go back in time are there things that he looks back at with a "what the hell was i thinking?" type slap of the head? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Dayne Shuda. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Dayne such as How your best work comes along rarely but that shouldn\'t make a difference. Still press "Publish" and get it out there. Dayne recalls the process of setting his first price point, and wondered if her should have gone more when the client said "Yep" straight away.\\xa0 And lastly........ We discussed whether it is truly possible to hit rock bottom of whether it is all in our minds?'