Getting Unstuck

Published: June 15, 2018, midnight

b'Welcome to Fridays episode of Join Up Dots which is a solo show, hosted as normal with the incomparable David Ralph. In todays episode we are focused on getting unstuck in business and our lives. You see this is a huge struggle in most peoples lives, they find an idea that they want to work on and then can\'t go any further. Or they actually find that they start getting stuck right at the very beginning and actually cant find any idea to take further. So David, in this episode gives his advice for getting unstuck and achieving success in your life when you feel its never going to happen. Also on a similar theme he answers the following question from a listener of Join Up Dots who asks: "Good morning David and the team, I am loving Joining up the dots with you every time you release an episode (there aren\'t enough hint hint :) ) I have a quick question for you.......of course most of your guests are on the show because they are enjoying the fruits of their labours and deservedly so. But have you ever considered stopping or doing something else? And what would be your advice for someone who cant get anything to work no matter how hard i try? Thanks for your answer Stephen Forester Cornwall" So if you need help getting unstuck in life and really want to make a go of it you really need to listen to today\'s podcast episode Thanks for your ears and we look forward to help you all to start getting unstuck'