Gasp! How To Seize The A-Ha Moment

Published: Dec. 9, 2016, midnight

b"My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lawyer and the host of the podcast How I Broke Into, a show all about the big breaks of successful entrepreneurs and artists. His creative career began before attending Northwestern University, when he attended the Long Island High School for the Arts (then known as The Cultural Arts Center of Long Island) as a visual artist. His 4x5 acrylic on canvas \\u201c20th Century Icon\\u201d was featured in the Sabbeth Art Gallery and a juried competition before he graduated high school. So I guess it was little surprise that he took his passion for visual creativity and founded 2 Life! Films and Media, an award-winning independent film and internet production company which produced his comedy feature \\u201cReturning Mickey Stern.\\u201d that won numerous awards in the US and Abroad But what is a suprise is why he then transitioned from being the content creator into the law industry, by working for an entertainment law firm, the performing rights society ASCAP, and the distribution company New Video Group This stage of his life appears on the outside to go totally against type, but we may find out on the show that actually it is one of the main dots on the Join Up Dots timeline. He just released the book, The Gasp: How to Seize that A-Ha! Moment and Turn It Into a Winning Business, and what with his business, podcast and Im sure a brain that runs wild with ideas he is a man spinnning many different plates at once. So why did he go into Law instead of continuing in the film production arena which played to so many of his early passions? And where does he see his life going in the future? Into a world of books or a life on the silver screen? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Michael Prywes"