From FB Ads To Amazon FBA

Published: Feb. 10, 2023, midnight

b'From FB Ads To Amazon FBA Denierio Bartolini is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast His story starts in 2012 when he started working as an internet marketer for a big Canadian corporation. As a Google premier partner, in 2012, his team was already helping businesses scale with Google Ads (previously known as Adwords). In 2015 he oversaw another partnership (this time with Shopify) and helped scale over 25 Shopify stores through Facebook Ads. As he says \\u201cAt the end of 2015, while I was working hard at my corporate job, I decided to use my skills to set up my first Amazon FBA store and within months, I broke the 6-figure mark. In 2016 and 2017, my Amazon stores expanded in the electronics category, kitchenware, baby products, and home & garden.\\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For Deniero At the beginning of 2017, I quit my corporate job and I opened my own Google Ads agency. And that is where the real work started as he scaled quickly but it wasn\\u2019t all fun. The intense schedule led to a breakdown, where he needed hospitalization. Deniero recovered with a new mindset which led to the creation of his podcast and brand.\\xa0 So did he need to go through the breakdown and dark times to find the real path that he should have been on all along? A nd when did the penny drop and he realised that actually it wasn\\u2019t just working hard that was the key but actually working smart?\\xa0 Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Deniero Bartolini.'