From 4 Million Failure To Inspired Biz

Published: Dec. 12, 2022, 1 p.m.

b'From \\xa34 Million Failure To Inspired Biz Colin Scotland is todays guest joining us on the Steve jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is a self employed business coach and strategist who expertise is helping others to define their message, their direction, and the income that they wish to earn His journey like most who have joined us on the show, is one of building, building, hustle and collapse. We have seen either a physical collapse due to overwork, a mental collapse when confusion drives you to your knees, or a financial one over the years. Right from the beginning watching sales come through on his own website was thrilling. He couldn\\u2019t believe he could do business virtually like this. He knew then somehow, building businesses online is what I am called to do. He was good at it. Roll on a few months, he found himself sitting in front of a bank manager who for financial reasons was pulling the plug on his business, his dream.'