Freelancing Magic

Published: Feb. 1, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who certainly has had his ups and downs since entering into the startup world to where he is today. And so my friends, that of course makes him a perfect guest for another inspiring, motivational and educational episode of Join Up Dots After graduating with a degree in music, he of course was like so many people who follow an education based career, convinced that an employment in the music industry was beckoning. But little by little he realised that this wasn\'t going to happen for him, so ended up waiting tables in LA to earn some cash. At the same time one of his flat mates, was doing very well writing code for a company. In fact based on the fact that his mate could roll into work when he wanted and basically in the words of our guest "Never be fired from the company as he had written much of their programming" inspired our guest to start working on his computer skills. He went from waiting tables in LA while pursuing a career in music, to building a development agency, to building several other products and companies, and to ultimately now becoming the CEO of Crew. How he is approaching the opportunities and challenges of taking over the leadership role as CEO of Crew, which is 3 years old, has raised $11 million in funding, has a valuation of $30 million, and is at the forefront of the freelance economy (which is shaping the future of work). So everything looks rosy in the garden for our guest. He looks relaxed, is loving his work, and on his way up. So how did he get himself back on his feet after the disappointment of realising a life in music was unlikely to be happening for him? And when he realised that his development agency was going under, due to choosing the wrong business partners to work with did he think he didn\'t have it in him to create his own success? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Michael Sacca'